When converting from a lead to a Contact, Company or Opportunity, you can carry across custom fields from leads into any of these modules. You can see a more detailed explanation of this feature by clicking here. You can also carry across custom fields when converting from a Quote to a Sales Order or Invoice and from a Sales Order to a Purchase Order or Invoice. By mapping a Custom Field from one entity to another you are able to pass the field details across as part of the create function. Important: You will first need to set up the custom fields in both the modules you wish to use. Once the custom fields are set up, mappings will need to be created by a system administrator. To set these up: 1. Go to Settings->Studio and expand the "Field Mappings" section. This will give you a list of mappings which can be applied.
2. Click on the mapping you wish to create and you will see a screen showing you the available fields for mapping. The fields you are mapping from are listed on the left and to the right of these is displayed a list of custom fields on the module being 'converted to'. The module being mapped from and to are always listed on the screen as a reminder of any previous field mappings that have been set-up.
3. Click Save
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