A Brew With…Y3P

7 May 2015

Here at OpenCRM, we do enjoy a good chinwag – who doesn’t? So each month we are going to have #ABrewWith an organisation, business, or a particular individual that we blooming love!

This month we are talking to our very own #Y3P team. These guys are planning some major fundraising in June…have a read below to find out what’s going on from our Richmond hub.

What is #Y3P?
#Y3P is a group of individuals from OpenCRM and Arch, the Durham Recovery College, as well as friends and family from each organisation.

What are you planning on doing?
We have nearly 30 people descending on the Yorkshire Three Peaks on June 13th, in a bid to raise as much money as possible for the amazing charity, PAPYRUS, which is a national charity that helps prevent youth suicide.

Our aim is to get as many people taking on the challenge of one, two, or all three peaks on June 13th. Plus for those who do not feel up for taking on the walk, we have about ten people coming down to provide the team with refreshments, medical assistance, and general support for the intrepid team.

How have been getting prepared for this?
Lots of exercises during our lunch break; we’ve been watching what we eat now for the past couple of months and just generally taking care of ourselves to ensure our body is in the best possible condition. A few of us have also started doing some serious walking at weekends too. One team member walked more than 18 miles over Bank Holiday weekend – we are mega dedicated!

Why have you chosen PAPYRUS to fundraise?
PAPYRUS is a truly inspiring charity; their work across the nation, as well as in North Yorkshire is incredible. Youth suicide is an entirely preventable issue and we hope that, by helping to raise awareness and make as much money as possible for the cause, we can make a difference to someone’s life.

How can we get involved?
Well you can either join us on the day – we are still inviting any organisations, individuals, and groups to come along for the trek. Or if you fancy helping the support team, you would be more than welcome.

If you can’t join us, you can donate to our Just Giving page – any help is greatly appreciated. Click here for more information…. https://www.justgiving.com/yorkshirethreepeaks-2015

Any tops tips to share with fellow walkers?
Stay dry, break in those walking boots, and never forget your Kendall Mint Cake.