Cracking the consistency code!
14 Dec 2008Now, I don’t often make a clear and direct punt for your business, but one aspect of my work, through our associate company Inspiring People (, is business development and coaching.
One seminar that I am passionate about and have given, on a number of occasions, (particularly to smaller business owners – that’s people who own businesses that employ between 2 to 25 people, not people who are under 4′ 6″), is called “Discover how to make your business more profitable today and more valuable in the future … by cracking the CONSISTENCY code.”
The sub title of this
session is “For the sake of profitability – and your own sanity – being able to get consistent, predictable, reliable results from each and every one of your employees is a MUST”.
So, what’s this about and why should it interest you (or me for that matter)?
Well, what I am referring to is the need for mid market business owners to be able to rely on what their employees do, as this is the most stable way to get some consistency in results. You see, I have often held as a belief, that you should be focussing on how to make more money with less stress by better utilising what is arguably your biggest business asset – your employees brain power!
And this is where OpenCRM comes into the equation, it assists you to get processes in place, for this consistent delivery, proving;
• … that just like wild horses employees CAN be harnessed (really, wouldn’t it be better to have them all facing and pulling in one direction rather than bolting off in all directions!).
• … proof that a ‘my way or the highway’ philosophy is sometimes often almost always the best way to run a business after all.
• … that consistency comes from systemisation and systemisation can make ‘the indispensable employee’ a thing of the past.
• … that getting everybody (including salespeople – surely the wildest of wild horses!) to do the same thing, in the same way, every single time can open the doorway to fast, risk free, business growth.
• … that holidays (and even more of them!) really can be relaxing when you know e-x-a-c-t-l-y what will happen whilst you’re not there.
We hold this session as part of a series for supporting business owners, helping them develop their businesses ‘in the real world’, and showing them how OpenCRM can be the ‘glue’ to help hold everything together and get everyone on the same page.
OpenCRM is a lot more than just a commercial grade hosted CRM solution. You get FREE user licenses and a full suite of integrated business management modules. It is arguably one of the most flexible. yet easy to use applications available to your business, and offers a better way to spend your hard earned CRM budget.
Why not check your diary and let me know if you would be interested in talking to me further about leadership development, (or getting you to do what you already know you should be doing – as we like to say) or OpenCRM, and how it could help you. Email me at or take a look at and select the Online Demonstration link on the main navigation, at the top.
Before I got my start in the tech industry as part of Apple’s UK Mac launch team, I was a professional drummer (notice I didn’t say musician). But once I got in, I was hooked and I’ve been involved in the tech industry, primarily software development, for over 35 years. I founded this company and I now have the enviable title of System Architect (as well as Managing Director) here at OpenCRM.