CRM Social: #OpenCRMpics #WeAreOpenCRM
20 Oct 2015
How many times have you heard people talk about the importance of the work-life balance? Everyone and their dog has advice about the best way to achieve the perfect balance, but it really comes down to the individual’s wants and needs.
I think most of the guys and girls here have a pretty good handle on balancing their hobbies and family life with their commitments here. But where’s the proof, I hear you cry?
The proof is on social media. Don’t worry, I’m not suggesting you follow each individual member of staff on Twitter (although I do think most of us are on there), but you might want to check out our OpenCRM accounts on our various social media channels.
In addition to the system tips and tricks, various exciting news stories, and the odd geeky article we come across, we also enjoy sharing pics and stories that our team share with us. Some of these might be holiday snapshots so we can all be jealous of a team member’s scuba diving lessons in Thailand or another checking out the sights in sunny San Francisco. Other pictures could involve a recently crafted patio or hand painted portrait—honestly, we’ve got a talented team here!
We even run regular internal photo competitions to encourage people to share their most recent adventures.
As a way to share these with the world, we’ve come up with a couple hashtags you can use to keep up-to-date on what is going on in the social world of OpenCRM: #OpenCRMpics and #WeAreOpenCRM
You can find the pictures by typing in that hashtag in Twitter, Facebook, Google +, Pinterest, and, of course, Instagram.
This is the hashtag we use to share the results of our photo competitions. If you think you’ve got a better one than what we’ve posted, why not submit it as well? Who knows, there might even be a prize in it for you!
We’ll be using this hashtag to tag various pictures of the team. Some of these will be our holiday snaps, while others will show us participating in one of our many team events.
We’d love to see what you and your officemates get up to as well, so please feel free to share!
Although I originally hail from northern California, as soon as I arrived in Yorkshire I knew it was the place for me! At OpenCRM, I started out in the Business Development team, and then moved into compliance and Q&A because I love telling people what to do…ok, that’s not the real reason, but it makes for a good bio one-liner. When I’m not in the office, you can usually find me tramping through the dales, crafting, gardening, or with my nose in a book.