ClicData IntegrationThere are two parts to setting up your ClicData integration. The first part is to set up the connection between ClicData and your OpenCRM system. The second part of the integration is to add specific data connections that will bring the information from OpenCRM into ClicData. You will need to set up a data connection for each module or report you want to use, depending on whether you want to filter the data in OpenCRM or ClicData, but you will only need to set up the overarching connection once. Before you get startedWhen you first sign-up for ClicData, you will need to choose which account you would like to purchase with them. These accounts offer different numbers of administrators, API calls, data refreshes, etc. For the purposes of this FAQ, the important information here is the API Calls and Data Refreshes. API Call - an API call, in this integration, refers to the number of times ClicData will send information to OpenCRM. This is not possible at the time this FAQ was written. Data Refresh - a data refresh, on the other hand, speaks to the number of times OpenCRM sends information to ClicData. For example, if you only have 10 data refreshes per month with your ClicData account, but have a Report that you would like to have sent to ClicData every day, you will quickly exceed this limit. You would need at least 30 data refreshes to meet this schedule. Quick Tip: To ensure you maximise your data refreshes, if you are going to be sending OpenCRM Reports to ClicData, try to configure your Reports so that they are big enough to cover a number of different widgets, graphs, and dashboards. SupportIf you run into any trouble with setting up the connection between OpenCRM and ClicData, please contact our support team. Once you have the connection set up, any assistance you require with creating dashboards or widgets within ClicData will need to be provided by ClicData. You can access their Knowledgebase via the question mark icon in the top right of the ClicData interface. You can also open support tickets with them by going to the Support tab along to top of the screen.
Setup ClicData Connection to OpenCRM1. The first thing you will need to do is get in touch with our support team, they will need to enable your system to connect to ClicData and provide you with an API key. 2. Once you have received confirmation that this has been done, login to (or your own ClicData url) 3. Click on Data at the top 4. In the middle of the page click Connect 5. Click Add New Connection 6. Select Web Service by scrolling down the popup list 7. Properties Tab
8. Go now to the "Headers" tab on the left (you can ignore the Authentication tab)
9. Click to Save your Connection You do not need to "test" the connection - this will more than likely throw an error message if you do, but this can be ignored. Your OpenCRM system is now connected to ClicData. You can now set up the connections between specific modules and/or reports. Add Data Using Your New Web Service Connection1. Click on the Data title in the left menu 2. Click Connect in the middle of the page 3. Select your new Web Service 4. Enter the API endpoint url with any details required (see below for a full list of available endpoints) The endpoint url should be /api/rest/ { endpoint function to run } / followed by options and values eg recordid = 42 will be recordid/42 5. Click the Test button. This should respond with a tick with the text "200 - OK". If it says "401 - Unauthorized" then please check your API keys are entered correctly. "404 - Not Found" please check your endpoint url is correct. 405 or 500 please contact ClicData or OpenCRM support 6. Go to the "Test" tab on the left, when you click Test, you should see the below "200 - OK" message 7. Go to the Schema tab and, if you want to be able to update records rather than just add new - see below for more information on this, set any unique fields by ticking the key box
8. Go to Preview and make sure the data looks right
9. Click the Next button nd ClicData will now import all your data. You can also schedule this data to be imported again either daily on hourly (these options can be set later). This is where you need to keep in mind the number of Data Refreshes you have purchased.
Unique KeyYou have a number of options with how ClicData brings in new data:
If you want to "Update" or "Update and Append" your data in ClicData, rather than "Reload" or "Append" it, you will need to identify a unique key, i.e. a value that will be different for each row of your data. The CRMID should work well for this purpose. To set up the unique key:
List of API Endpoints AvailableHere are a list of the various API endpoints you can use to "call" data from OpenCRM into ClicData. If you have any questions about these, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team. Anything with these {brackets} means that you will need to enter specific information from your system. For example, if the endpoint says {report id}, you will need to look at the URL of the report (or hover over the name and look in the bottom right of your screen) to get the id:
You can also add some variables at the end of the endpoint to filter the information. These are listed here, but explained below:
Optional Appending VariablesDate and Time FormatsDates and Times in the format of 2015-08-04 15:04:01 can be converted to standard php date time formats by adding to the url dateTimeOverride/ followed by the format, replacing spaces with "_" underscores and forward slashed with "*" stars eg d_F_Y_H:i /api/rest/get_project_list/dateTimeOverride/d_F_Y_H:i Dates without the time in the format of 04-08-2015 can be converted in a similar way using dateOverride/ followed by the format /api/rest/get_project_list/dateOverride/d_F_Y_H:i These can be combined in the same endpoint url /api/rest/get_project_list/dateTimeOverride/d_F_Y_H:i/dateOverride/d_F_Y Record Limits04/08/2015 - the record limit is currently set at 50000 records. If you need more records the set the limit_start to 0 and limit_end value to a reasonable amount above the number of records you expect to import eg. /api/rest/get_record_list_from_report/reportid/4/limit_start/0/limit_end/100000
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