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Rest API Field Reference

Updated: 17 May 2022 15:38:08 OpenCRM::Contacts OpenCRM::Settings

The tables below show the standard fields available to set on each OpenCRM module which can be created/edited by the API. 

Only the fields you wish to set/update should be supplied. If you supply a field without a value, it will be updated to a blank value in OpenCRM. 

There are some fields which should always be set and these are shown with an asterisk and bold in the list. 

Please note that the name used in the query string parameter differs to that used when retreiving/updating field details. Both names are provided in the tables below. 

The tables only list the standard module fields, if you have added custom fields and need the names for these, see the section on custom fields. 

This page is still under construction so if the module you need is not here yet, please contact our support desk.



Leads | Contacts | Companies | Opportunities  | Activities | Projects | Helpdesk |  Assets | Products | Contracts | Quotes | Sales Orders | Purchase Orders | InvoicesProduct Lines |  Custom Fields 



CRM Field Label API Field Name API Query String Name Data Type
Action Plan actionplan_id actionplan_id Integer - ID of action plan to trigger
Annual Revenue annualrevenue annualrevenue String
* Assigned to smownerid assigned_user_id See Assigned to
Assistant Email assistant_email assistant_email String
City city city String
Company company company String
Consent Given to consent_given_to consent_given_to String
Cost Centre cost_centre cost_centre String
Country country country String
County state state String
Data Collected data_collected data_collected String
Data Processing Consent Given data_processing_consent_given data_processing_consent_given "0" or "1"
Date Consent Given date_consent_given date_consent_given Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Date Of Birth dob dob Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Description description description String
Do Not Email do_not_email do_not_email "0" or "1"
Do Not Fax fps fps "0" or "1"
Do Not Live Chat donotlivechat donotlivechat "0" or "1"
Do Not Phone tps tps "0" or "1"
Email email email String
Email Address Bounced email_bounced email_bounced String
Email Bounce History email_bounce_history email_bounce_history String
Email Plan emailplan emailplan Integer - ID of email plan to trigger
Fax fax fax String
First Action firstaction firstaction String
First Email firstreply firstreply String
First Name firstname firstname String
GDPR Consent to Processing consent_to_processing consent_to_processing "0" or "1"
Greeting greeting greeting String
Home Phone homephone homephone String
Include In Sync includeinsync includeinsync "0" or "1"
Industry industry industry String
Job Title designation designation String
* Last Name lastname lastname String
Lead Source leadsource leadsource String
Lead Status leadstatus leadstatus String
Lead Type leadtype leadtype String
Live Chat Profile livechatprofile livechatprofile String (URL)
Mobile mobile mobile String
No Of Employees noofemployees noofemployees String
Password password portal_password String
Phone phone phone String
Portal Access Locked portal_islocked portal_islocked "0" or "1"
Portal Components (default is all) allowed_components allowed_components String
Portal User portal portal String
Postal Code code code String
Preferred Contact Method prefcontactmethod prefcontactmethod String
Rating rating rating String
Reassigned Date reassigned_date reassigned_date String
Remove from Vicidial vicidial_remove vicidial_remove String
Right to be forgotten righttobeforgotten righttobeforgotten "0" or "1"
Right to be forgotten date righttobeforgotten_date righttobeforgotten_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Right to be forgotten user righttobeforgotten_user righttobeforgotten_user String (Username)
Security permission permission Integer (0 to 13) - See Security 
Street lane lane String
Street 2 lane2 lane2 String
Subscriptions subscription subscription String
Tags leaddetails_tags leaddetails_tags String
Username login portal_login String
Website website website String (URL)
Instagram instagram socialnetworking_instagram String
Facebook leaddetails_facebook socialnetworking_facebook String
Google Plus leaddetails_googleplus socialnetworking_googleplus String
Linked In leaddetails_linkedin socialnetworking_linkedin String
Pinterest leaddetails_pinterest socialnetworking_pinterest String
Twitter leaddetails_twitter socialnetworking_twitter String
YouTube leaddetails_youtube socialnetworking_youtube String



CRM Field Label API Field Name API Query String Name Data Type
Action Plan actionplan_id actionplan_id Integer - ID of action plan to trigger
Address Inherit addressinherit addressinherit "0" or "1"
* Assigned To smownerid assigned_user_id See Assigned to
Assistant assistant assistant String
Assistant Email assistant_email assistant_email String
Assistant Phone assistantphone assistantphone String
Birthdate birthday birthday Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Can eSign canesign canesign "0" or "1"
Company Name accountid account_id Integer (ID of company record)
Company Type company_type company_type String
Consent Given to consent_given_to consent_given_to String
Contact Type contacttype contacttype String
Data Collected data_collected data_collected String
Data Processing Consent Given data_processing_consent_given data_processing_consent_given Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Date Consent Given date_consent_given date_consent_given Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Department department department String
Description description description String
Do Not Email do_not_email do_not_email "0" or "1"
Do Not Fax fps fps "0" or "1"
Do Not Live Chat donotlivechat donotlivechat "0" or "1"
Do Not Phone tps tps "0" or "1"
Email (Business) email email String
Email (Private) email2 email2 String
Email Plan emailplan emailplan Integer - ID of action plan to trigger
Fax fax fax String
First Name firstname firstname String
Folder folder contact_folder String
GDPR Consent to Processing consent_to_processing consent_to_processing "0" or "1"
Greeting greeting greeting String
Home Phone homephone homephone String
Job Title title title String
* Last Name lastname lastname String
Lead Source leadsource leadsource String
Live Chat Profile livechatprofile livechatprofile String
Mailing City mailingcity mailingcity String
Mailing Country mailingcountry mailingcountry String
Mailing County mailingstate mailingstate String
Mailing Postcode mailingzip mailingzip String
Mailing Street mailingstreet mailingstreet String
Mailing Street 2 mailingstreet2 mailingstreet2 String
Mobile mobile mobile String
Office Phone phone phone String
Other City othercity othercity String
Other Country othercountry othercountry String
Other County otherstate otherstate String
Other Phone otherphone otherphone String
Other Postcode otherzip otherzip String
Other Street otherstreet otherstreet String
Other Street 2 otherstreet2 otherstreet2 String
Password password portal_password String
Portal Access Locked portal_islocked portal_islocked "0" or "1"
Portal Components (default is all) allowed_components allowed_components String
Portal User portal portal String
Preferred Contact Method prefcontactmethod prefcontactmethod String
Reassigned Date reassigned_date reassigned_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Remove from Vicidial vicidial_remove vicidial_remove String
Reports To reportsto contact_id Integer - ID of contact record
Right to be forgotten righttobeforgotten righttobeforgotten "0" or "1"
Right to be forgotten date righttobeforgotten_date righttobeforgotten_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Right to be forgotten user righttobeforgotten_user righttobeforgotten_user Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Sage Reference sage_ref sage_ref String
Security permission permission Integer (0 to 13) - See Security 
Subscriptions subscription subscription String (Comma separated list)
Support End Date support_end_date support_end_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Support Start Date support_start_date support_start_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Sync To Outlook includeinsync includeinsync String
Tags contactdetails_tags contactdetails_tags String (Comma separated list)
Username login portal_login String
Facebook contactdetails_facebook socialnetworking_facebook String
Google Plus contactdetails_googleplus socialnetworking_googleplus String
Linked In contactdetails_linkedin socialnetworking_linkedin String
Pinterest contactdetails_pinterest socialnetworking_pinterest String
Twitter contactdetails_twitter socialnetworking_twitter String
YouTube contactdetails_youtube socialnetworking_youtube String
Instagram instagram socialnetworking_instagram String



CRM Field Label API Field Name API Query String Name Data Type
Account Type (Credit Control) paymenttype paymenttype String
Action Plan actionplan_id actionplan_id Integer - ID of action plan to trigger
Address Inherit address_inherit address_inherit "0" or "1"
Annual Revenue annualrevenue annual_revenue String
* Assigned To smownerid assigned_user_id See Assigned to
Balance Days credit_limit_days credit_limit_days Integer
Billing Address street bill_street String
Billing Address 2 bill_street_2 bill_street_2 String
Billing City city bill_city String
Billing Country country bill_country String
Billing County state bill_state String
Billing Email billemail billemail String
Billing Postcode code bill_code String
* Company Name accountname accountname String
Company Number companynumber companynumber String
Consent Given to consent_given_to consent_given_to String
Credit Check By creditcheckby creditcheckby String (Username)
Credit Check On creditcheckon creditcheckon Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Credit Fund stockfund stockfund "0" or "1"
Credit Limit credit_limit credit_limit Decimal
Credit Status credit_status credit_status String
Current Spend currentspend currentspend Decimal
Data Collected data_collected data_collected String
Data Processing Consent Given data_processing_consent_given data_processing_consent_given "0" or "1"
Date Consent Given date_consent_given date_consent_given Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Default Currency def_currency def_currency See Currency
Description description description String
Do Not Email do_not_email do_not_email "0" or "1"
Do Not Fax fps fps "0" or "1"
Do Not Phone tps tps "0" or "1"
Due Balance due_balance due_balance Decimal
Email email1 email1 String
Email Plan emailplan emailplan Integer - ID of email plan to trigger
Employees employees employees String
Fax fax fax String
GDPR Consent to Processing consent_to_processing consent_to_processing "0" or "1"
Include in Sync includeinsync includeinsync "0" or "1"
Industry industry industry String
Language language language String
Legal Format ownership ownership String
Major Account majoraccount majoraccount "0" or "1"
Member Of parentid account_id Integer - CRMID of parent company
Opportunity YTD year_to_date year_to_date Decimal
Other Email email2 email2 String
Other Phone otherphone otherphone String
Outstanding amount 0-30 days osamount_0to30days osamount_0to30days String
Outstanding amount 120+ days osamount_120plusdays osamount_120plusdays String
Outstanding amount 30-60 days osamount_30to60days osamount_30to60days String
Outstanding amount 60-90 days osamount_60to90days osamount_60to90days String
Outstanding amount 90-120 days osamount_90to120days osamount_90to120days String
Overdue Balance overdue_balance overdue_balance String
Phone phone phone String
Phone No to Send vicidial_account_phonenum vicidial_account_phonenum String
Portal Terms Accepted portaltermsaccept portaltermsaccept String
Pricebook pricebook pricebook Integer - ID of default pricebook for this company
Proprietor/Senior Partner proprietor proprietor String
Rating rating rating String
Registered Address street reg_street String
Registered City city reg_city String
Registered Country country reg_country String
Registered County state reg_state String
Registered Postcode code reg_code String
Registered Street 2 reg_street_2 reg_street_2 String
Right to be forgotten righttobeforgotten righttobeforgotten "0" or "1"
Right to be forgotten date righttobeforgotten_date righttobeforgotten_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Right to be forgotten user righttobeforgotten_user righttobeforgotten_user String (username)
Sage Reference sage_ref sage_ref String
Security permission permission Integer (0 to 13) - See Security 
Shipping Address street ship_street String
Shipping Address 2 ship_street_2 ship_street_2 String
Shipping City city ship_city String
Shipping Country country ship_country String
Shipping County state ship_state String
Shipping Email shipemail shipemail String
Shipping Postcode code ship_code String
Subscriptions subscription subscription String (Comma separated list)
Tags account_tags account_tags String (Comma separated list)
Total Balance outstanding_balance outstanding_balance Decimal
Type account_type accounttype String
VAT Exempt vatexempt vatexempt "0" or "1"
VAT Number vatnumber vatnumber String
Website website website String
Facebook account_facebook socialnetworking_facebook String
Google Plus account_googleplus socialnetworking_googleplus String
Linked In account_linkedin socialnetworking_linkedin String
Pinterest account_pinterest socialnetworking_pinterest String
Twitter account_twitter socialnetworking_twitter String
YouTube account_youtube socialnetworking_youtube String
Instagram instagram socialnetworking_instagram String



CRM Field Label API Field Name API Query String Name Data Type
Action Plan actionplan_id actionplan_id Integer - ID of action plan to trigger
Active active active "0" or "1"
Assigned To smownerid assigned_user_id See Assigned to
Budget budget budget Decimal
Chargeable Time time_taken_m time_taken_m Integer - number of minutes
Company Name accountid account_id Integer - CRM ID of linked Company
Contact Name contactid contact_id Integer - CRM ID of linked Contact
Costs (Exc VAT) cost_net cost_net Decimal
Costs (Inc VAT) cost_gross cost_gross Decimal
Description description description String
Email email email String
Email Plan emailplan emailplan Integer - ID of email plan to trigger
End Date enddate enddate Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Name name name String
Non Chargeable Time nc_time_m nc_time_m Integer - number of minutes
Priority projpriority projpriority String
Private private private "0" or "1"
Project Number projectnum projectnum String
Project Time time_m time_m String
Project Type projecttype projecttype String
Reassigned Date reassigned_date reassigned_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Related To parent_id parent_id Integer - CRM ID of related record
Sales Order salesorder_id salesorder_id Integer - CRM ID of linked Sales Order
Scheduled Time sched_time_m sched_time_m Integer - number of minutes
Security permission permission Integer (0 to 13) - See Security 
Show Documents On Portal showdocsonportal showdocsonportal "0" or "1"
Show On Portal showonportal showonportal "0" or "1"
Start Date startdate startdate Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Status projectstatus projectstatus String
Tags projects_tags projects_tags String, comma separated
Target End Date targetend targetend Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
VAT Rate % vat_rate vat_rate String



CRM Field Label API Field Name API Query String Name Data Type
3rd Party extra_parent_id extra_parent_id Integer - CRMID of additional parent record
Action Plan actionplan_id actionplan_id Integer - ID of Action plan to run
Additional Recipients email_to email_to String - comma separated list of email addresses
Asset single_asset_id single_asset_id Integer - CRMID of Asset to link
Assigned To smownerid assigned_user_id See Assigned to
Category category ticketcategories String
Close Date closedon closedon Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Closed By closedby closedby String (username)
Contact Name contactid contact_id Integer - CRMID of Contact to link
Contract contractid contractid Integer - CRMID of Contract to link
Costs (Exc VAT) cost_net cost_net Decimal
Costs (Inc VAT) cost_gross cost_gross Decimal
Description description description String
Email Plan emailplan emailplan Integer - ID of Email plan to run
Opened By openedby openedby String
Priority priority ticketpriorities String
Product Name product_id product_id Integer - CRMID of Product to link
Project projectid projectid Integer - CRMID of Project to link
Queue support_queue support_queue String
Reassigned Date reassigned_date reassigned_date Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Related To parent_id parent_id Integer - CRMID of parent record (Contact or Company) to link
Security permission permission Integer (0 to 13) - See Security 
Sent to Support Email sent_to_support_email sent_to_support_email String
Severity severity ticketseverities String
Show On Portal showonportal showonportal "0" ir "1"
Solution solution solution String
Status status ticketstatus String
Tags troubletickets_tags troubletickets_tags String (comma separated list)
Technical Solution tech_solution tech_solution String
Title title ticket_title String



CRM Field Label API Field Name API Query String Name Data Type
Batch Number batch_number batch_number String
Bin location_bin location_bin String
Bundle Product bundle_product bundle_product String
Buy Price buy_price buy_price Decimal
Commission Band commission_band commission_band String
Commission Rate (%) commissionrate commissionrate Integer
Contract Term (months) contract_term contract_term Integer
Date In datein datein Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Default Currency def_currency def_currency See Currency
Description product_description product_description String
Despatch Date despatchdate despatchdate Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
End User customerid customerid Integer - CRM ID of linked Contact
Handler smownerid assigned_user_id See Assigned to
Installer installerid installerid Integer - CRM ID of linked Company
Manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer String
Mini Description mini_description mini_description String
Model Revision model_revision model_revision String
Nominal Account glacct glacct String
Parent Product parentprodid product_id Integer - CRM ID of parent Product
Price Check Date price_check_date price_check_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Product Active discontinued discontinued "0' or "1"
Product Category productcategory productcategory String
Product Code productcode productcode String
Product Name productname productname String
Product Sheet productsheet productsheet String
Product Status product_status product_status String
Purchase Nominal Code purch_nom_code purch_nom_code String
Purchase Nominal Description purch_nom_desc purch_nom_desc String
Qty. in Demand qtyindemand qtyindemand Integer
Qty. in Stock qtyinstock qtyinstock Integer
Qty/Unit qty_per_unit qty_per_unit Integer
Reassigned Date reassigned_date reassigned_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Reorder Level reorderlevel reorderlevel String
Sales End Date sales_end_date sales_end_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Sales Nominal Code nominal_code nominal_code String
Sales Start Date sales_start_date sales_start_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Security permission permission Integer (0 to 13) - See Security 
Sell Price unit_price unit_price Decimal
Serial No serialno serial_no String
Shelf location_shelf location_shelf String
Size size size String
Sub Product Type subproducttype subproducttype String
Supplier Name vendor_id vendor_id Integer - CRM ID of Supplier Company
Supplier Part No vendor_part_no vendor_part_no String
Supply Type prod_supplytype prod_supplytype String
Support Expiry Date expiry_date expiry_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Support Start Date start_date start_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Tags products_tags products_tags String - comma separated list
Tax Class taxclass taxclass String - use standard OpenCRM tax class values only. 
Usage Unit usageunit usageunit Integer
Warehouse location_warehouse location_warehouse String
Website website website String
Weight (Kg) weight_stock weight_stock Integer



CRM Field Label API Field Name API Query String Name Data Type
Asset Name asset_name asset_name String
Asset Type asset_type asset_type String
Assigned To smownerid assigned_user_id See Assigned to
Company accountid account_id Integer - CRM ID of Linked Company
Description description description String
IP Address ip_address ip_address String
Location asset_location asset_location String
MAC Address mac_address mac_address String
Manufacturer asset_manufacturer asset_manufacturer String
Model model model String
Nearest Phone nearest_phone nearest_phone String
Network Name network_name network_name String
Onsite Check onsite_check onsite_check String
Parent Product product_id product_id Integer - CRM ID of Parent Product
Serial Number serial_number serial_number String
Status asset_status asset_status String
Stock Item single_stock_id single_stock_id Integer - CRM ID of Linked Stock ID
Version version version String
Warranty Expires warranty_expires warranty_expires Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Warranty Type warranty_type warranty_type String



CRM Field Label API Field Name API Query String Name Data Type
Action Plan actionplan_id actionplan_id Integer - ID of action plan to trigger
Assigned To smownerid assigned_user_id See Assigned to
Chargeable Time time_taken_m time_taken_m Integer (time in minutes)
Company accountid accountid Integer - CRMID of linked company
Completed Time comp_time_m comp_time_m Integer (time in minutes)
Contact Name contactid contact_id Integer - CRMID of linked contact
Contract Number contractnum contractnum String
Contract Time time_m time_m Integer (time in minutes)
Contract Type contracttype contracttype String
Description description description String
Email Plan emailplan emailplan Integer - ID of action plan to trigger
End Date enddate enddate Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Name name name String
Non Chargeable Time nc_time_m nc_time_m Integer (time in minutes)
Overrun Time over_time_m over_time_m Integer (time in minutes)
Reassigned Date reassigned_date reassigned_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Related To parent_id parent_id Integer - CRMID of linked record
SLA Response time (hrs) sla_responsehrs sla_responsehrs Integer (time in hours)
Sales Order salesorder_id salesorder_id Integer - CRMID of linked sales order
Scheduled Time sched_time_m sched_time_m Integer (time in minutes)
Security permission permission Integer (0 to 13) - See Security 
Show On Portal showonportal showonportal "0" or "1"
Start Date startdate startdate Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Status contractstatus contractstatus String
Tags contracts_tags contracts_tags String (Comma separated list)
Time Left time_left_m time_left_m Integer (time in minutes)



CRM Field Label API Field Name Query String Field Name Data Type
Action Plan actionplan_id actionplan_id Integer - ID of action plan to trigger
Active Period activedays activedays Integer - Number of days
Amount amount amount Decimal
Assigned To smownerid assigned_user_id See Assigned to
Campaign campaignid campaignid Integer - CRMID of Campaign to link
Commission Approved commission_approved commission_approved "0" or "1"
Commission Approved Date commission_approved_date commission_approved_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Company Name accountid account_id Integer - CRMID of Company to link
Contact contactid contact_id Integer - CRMID of Contact to link
Cost Centre cost_centre cost_centre String
Currency def_currency def_currency See Currency
Description description description String (long text)
Email email email String
Email Plan emailplan emailplan Integer - ID of email plan to trigger
Event single_event_id single_event_id Integer - CRMID of Event to link
Expected Close Date closingdate closingdate Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Gain or Loss gain_loss gain_loss Decimal
Lead Source leadsource leadsource String
Next Step nextstep nextstep String
Opportunity Name potentialname potentialname String
Previous Amount previous_amount previous_amount Decimal
Probability (%) probability probability Integer
Project Name projectid projectid Integer - CRMID of Project to link
Reassigned Date reassigned_date reassigned_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Related To parent_id parent_id Integer - CRMID of related record to link
Sales Commission salescommission salescommission Decimal
Sales Stage sales_stage sales_stage String
Security permission permission Integer (0 to 13) - See Security 
Start Date start_date start_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Tags potential_tags potential_tags String - comma separated list
Type potentialtype opportunity_type String
Vat Rate % vat_rate vat_rate Integer
Weighted Amount weightedamount weightedamount Decimal



CRM Field Label API Field Name Query String Field Name Data Type
Asset single_asset_id single_asset_id Integer - CRM ID of Asset to link
Assigned To smownerid assigned_user_id See Assigned to
Category category category String
Charge Time chargetime chargetime String
Company Name accountid accountid Integer - CRM ID of Company to link
Contact Name contact_id cntactivityrel.contactid Integer - CRM ID of Contact to link
Conversation URL livechat_convo_url livechat_convo_url String
Costs (Exc VAT) cost_net cost_net Decimal
Costs (Inc VAT) cost_gross cost_gross Decimal
Description description description String
Due Date due_date due_date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Duration duration_hours duration_hours Integer - number of hours
FAQ Rating cf_faqrating cf_faqrating Integer
Priority priority taskpriority String
Related To crmid parent_id Integer - CRM ID of related record to link
Security permission permission Integer (0 to 13) - See Security 
Send Notification To Action Owner sendnotification sendnotification "0" or "1"
Send Notification To Linked Contact sendnotificationcont sendnotificationcont "0" or "1"
Send Reminder To Action Owner reminder_time reminder_time "0" or "1"
Send Reminder To Linked Contact reminder_time_cont reminder_time_cont "0" or "1"
Show On Portal showonportal showonportal "0" or "1"
Start Date & Time date_start date_start Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Status status taskstatus String
Subject subject subject String
Task List tasklist tasklist String
VAT Rate % vat_rate vat_rate Integer



CRM Field Label API Field Name API Query String Name Data Type
Action Plan actionplan_id actionplan_id Integer - ID of action plan to trigger
Assigned To smownerid assigned_user_id See Assigned to
Billing Address bill_street bill_street String
Billing Address 2 bill_street_2 bill_street_2 String
Billing City bill_city bill_city String
Billing Code bill_code bill_code String
Billing Country bill_country bill_country String
Billing County bill_state bill_state String
Billing Email billemail billemail String
Campaign campaignid campaignid Integer - CRMID of Campaign to link
Carrier carrier carrier String
Commission Approved commission_approved commission_approved "0" ir "1"
Commission Approved Date commission_approved_date commission_approved_date Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Company Name accountid account_id Integer - ID of action plan to trigger
Contact Name contactid contact_id Integer - CRMID of Contact to link
Cost Centre cost_centre cost_centre String
Default Currency def_currency def_currency See Currency
Description description description String
Email Plan emailplan emailplan Integer - ID of Email plan to trigger
Esign Terms Template esign_terms_template esign_terms_template Integer - ID of Email template
Inventory Manager inventorymanager assigned_user_id1 See Assigned to
Language language language String
Opportunity Name quotes.potentialid potential_id Integer - CRMID of Opportunity to link
PDF Template pdf_template pdf_template Integer - ID of PDF template
Pricebook pricebook pricebook Integer - CRMID of Pricebook
Products Per Page productsperpage productsperpage Integer
Project Name projectid projectid Integer - CRMID of Project to link
Purchase Order purchaseorder purchaseorder Integer - CRMID of Purchase Order to link
Quote Stage quotestage quotestage String
Quote Type quotetype quotetype String
Require confirm terms on esign require_terms_esign require_terms_esign "0" or "1"
Sales Commission salescommission salescommission String
Security permission permission Integer (0 to 13) - See Security 
Shipping shipping shipping String
Shipping Address ship_street ship_street String
Shipping Address 2 ship_street_2 ship_street_2 String
Shipping City ship_city ship_city String
Shipping Code ship_code ship_code String
Shipping Country ship_country ship_country String
Shipping County ship_state ship_state String
Shipping Email shipemail shipemail String
Show On Portal showonportal showonportal "0" or "1"
Subject subject subject String
Tags quotes_tags quotes_tags String - comma separated list
Terms & Conditions terms_conditions terms_conditions String
Terms Accepted terms_accepted terms_accepted "0" or "1"
VAT Rate % vat_rate vat_rate Decimal
Valid Till validtill validtill Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
eSign Date esign_audit_signdate esign_audit_signdate Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
eSigned By esign_audit_signby esign_audit_signby String
eSigned From IP esign_audit_signip esign_audit_signip String


Sales Orders

CRM Field Label API Field Name API Query String Name Data Type
Terms Accepted terms_accepted terms_accepted "0" or "1"
Accounts Company sage_install sage_install String
Action Plan actionplan_id actionplan_id Integer - ID of action plan to trigger
Assigned To smownerid assigned_user_id See Assigned to
Billing Address bill_street bill_street String
Billing Address 2 bill_street_2 bill_street_2 String
Billing City bill_city bill_city String
Billing Code bill_code bill_code String
Billing Country bill_country bill_country String
Billing County bill_state bill_state String
Billing Email billemail billemail String
Campaign campaignid campaignid Integer - CRMID of Campaign to link
Closed Date date_complete date_complete Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Commission Approved commission_approved commission_approved String
Commission Approved Date commission_approved_date commission_approved_date Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Company Name accountid account_id Integer - CRMID of Company to link
Contact Name contactid contact_id Integer - CRMID of Contact to link
Cost Centre cost_centre cost_centre String
Default Currency def_currency def_currency See Currency
Description description description String
Due Date duedate duedate Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Email Plan emailplan emailplan String
Esign Terms Template esign_terms_template esign_terms_template Integer - ID of Email Template
Fulfil By fulfilby fulfilby Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Invoice Template recurring_invoice_template recurring_invoice_template Integer - ID of PDF Template
Is SO Stock Funded isstockfunded isstockfunded String
Is a Job so_job so_job "0" or "1"
Job Accepted Date so_job_accepted so_job_accepted Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Job Completion Date so_job_completed so_job_completed Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Job Date so_job_time so_job_time Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Job Time time_start time_start String
Language language language String
Lease Acceptance Date leaseacceptancedate leaseacceptancedate Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Leased By leasedby leasedby String
Opportunity Name potentialid potential_id Integer - CRMID of Opportunity to link
Order Weight (Kg) so_weight salesorder String
PDF Template pdf_template pdf_template Integer - ID of PDF Template
Partner partnerid partnerid Integer - CRMID of Company to link
Payment Date paymentdate paymentdate Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Payment Type paymenttype sopaymenttype String
Price Guide pricebook pricebook Integer - CRMID of Pricebook
Products Per Page productsperpage productsperpage Integer
Project Name projectid projectid Integer - CRMID of Project to link
Purchase Order purchaseorder purchaseorder Integer - CRMID of PO to link
Quote Name quoteid quote_id Integer - CRMID of Quote to link
Require confirm terms on esign require_terms_esign require_terms_esign "0" or "1"
Requires Finance Authorisation require_finance_auth require_finance_auth "0" or "1"
Sales Commission salescommission salescommission Decimal
Security permission permission Integer (0 to 13) - See Security 
Sent to Accounts sendtosage sendtosage String
Sent to Accounts on senttosageon senttosageon Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Shipping Address ship_street ship_street String
Shipping Address 2 ship_street_2 ship_street_2 String
Shipping City ship_city ship_city String
Shipping Code ship_code ship_code String
Shipping Country ship_country ship_country String
Shipping County ship_state ship_state String
Shipping Email shipemail shipemail String
Show On Portal showonportal showonportal "0" or "1"
Status sostatus sostatus String
Subject subject subject String
Tags salesorder_tags salesorder_tags String - comma separated list
Terms & Conditions terms_conditions terms_conditions String
Top Up Company Stock Fund topupstockfund topupstockfund "0" or "1"
VAT Rate % vat_rate vat_rate Integer
eSign Date esign_audit_signdate esign_audit_signdate Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
eSigned By esign_audit_signby esign_audit_signby String
eSigned From IP esign_audit_signip esign_audit_signip String



Purchase Order

CRM Field Label API Field Name API Query String Name Data Type
Accounts Company sage_install sage_install String
Action Plan actionplan_id actionplan_id Integer - ID of action plan to trigger
Amount Outstanding outstanding outstanding Decimal
Assigned To smownerid assigned_user_id See Assigned to
Bill To bill_to bill_to String
Billing Address bill_street bill_street String
Billing Address 2 bill_street_2 bill_street_2 String
Billing City bill_city bill_city String
Billing Code bill_code bill_code String
Billing Country bill_country bill_country String
Billing County bill_state bill_state String
Billing Email billemail billemail String
Book Stock to Sales Order bookstocktoso bookstocktoso "0" or "1"
Carrier carrier carrier String
Company Name account_id account_id Integer - CRMID of Company
Contact Name contactid contact_id Integer - CRMID of Contact
Cost Centre cost_centre cost_centre String
Default Currency def_currency def_currency See Currency
Description description description String
Due Date duedate duedate Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Email Plan emailplan emailplan Integer - ID of Email Plan to trigger
Excise Duty exciseduty exciseduty Decimal
Language language language String
Opportunity Name potentialid potential_id Integer - CRMID of Opportunity to link
Products Per Page productsperpage productsperpage String
Project Name projectid projectid Integer - CRMID of Project to link
Sales Commission salescommission salescommission Decimal
Sales Order salesorder_id salesorder_id String
Security permission permission Integer (0 to 13) - See Security 
Sent to Sage sendtosage sendtosage "0" or "1"
Sent to Sage on senttosageon senttosageon Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Ship Direct shipdirect shipdirect "0" or "1"
Ship To ship_to ship_to String
Shipping Address ship_street ship_street String
Shipping Address 2 ship_street_2 ship_street_2 String
Shipping City ship_city ship_city String
Shipping Code ship_code ship_code String
Shipping Country ship_country ship_country String
Shipping County ship_state ship_state String
Shipping Email shipemail shipemail String
Status postatus postatus String
Subject subject subject String
Supplier Name vendorid vendor_id Integer - CRMID of Company to link
Tags purchaseorder_tags purchaseorder_tags String- Comma separated list
Terms & Conditions terms_conditions terms_conditions String
Tracking Number tracking_no tracking_no String
VAT Rate % vat_rate vat_rate Integer




CRM FIeld Label API Field Name API Query String Name Data Type
Accounts Company sage_install sage_install String
Action Plan actionplan_id actionplan_id Integer - ID of action plan to trigger
Amount Outstanding outstanding outstanding Decimal
Assigned To smownerid assigned_user_id See Assigned to
Billing Address bill_street bill_street String
Billing Address 2 bill_street_2 bill_street_2 String
Billing City bill_city bill_city String
Billing Code bill_code bill_code String
Billing Country bill_country bill_country String
Billing County bill_state bill_state String
Billing Email billemail billemail String
Campaign campaignid campaignid Integer - CRMID of Campaign
Commission Approved commission_approved commission_approved "0" or "1"
Commission Approved Date commission_approved_date commission_approved_date Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Company Name accountid account_id Integer - CRMID of Company
Company VAT Num cyvatnumber cyvatnumber String
Contact Name contactid contact_id Integer - CRMID of Contact
Cost Centre cost_centre cost_centre String
Customer No customerno customerno String
Default Currency def_currency def_currency See Currency
Description description description String
Due Date duedate duedate Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Email Plan emailplan emailplan Integer - ID of Email Plan to trigger
Excise Duty exciseduty exciseduty Decimal
Invoice #: invoicenum invoicenum String
Invoice Date invoicedate invoicedate Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Invoice Type invoicetype invoicetype String
Is SO Stock Funded isstockfunded isstockfunded "0" or "1"
Language language language String
Lease Acceptance Date leaseacceptancedate leaseacceptancedate Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Leased By leasedby leasedby String
Opportunity Name potentialid potential_id Integer - CRMID of Opportunity to link
PDF Template pdf_template pdf_template Integer - ID of PDF Template
Paid Date paiddate paiddate Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Payment Date paymentdate paymentdate Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Payment Day payment_day payment_day String
Payment Type paymenttype sopaymenttype String
Pricebook pricebook pricebook Integer - CRMID of Pricebook
Products Per Page productsperpage productsperpage Integer
Project Name projectid projectid Integer - CRMID of Project to link
Purchase Order purchaseorder purchaseorder Integer - CRMID of PO to link
Quote Name quoteid quote_id Integer - CRMID of Quote to link
Recurs recur_interval recur_interval "0" or "1"
Requires Financial Authorisation require_finance_auth require_finance_auth "0" or "1"
Sales Commission salescommission salescommission Decimal
Sales Order salesorderid salesorder_id Integer - CRMID of Sales Order
Security permission permission Integer (0 to 13) - See Security 
Sent to accounts sendtosage sendtosage "0" or "1"
Sent to accounts on senttosageon senttosageon Date ("yyyy-mm-dd")
Shipping Address ship_street ship_street String
Shipping Address 2 ship_street_2 ship_street_2 String
Shipping City ship_city ship_city String
Shipping Code ship_code ship_code String
Shipping Country ship_country ship_country String
Shipping County ship_state ship_state String
Shipping Email shipemail shipemail String
Show On Portal showonportal showonportal "0" or "1"
Status invoicestatus invoicestatus String
Subject subject subject String
Tags invoice_tags invoice_tags String- Comma separated list
Terms & Conditions terms_conditions terms_conditions String
VAT Rate % vat_rate vat_rate Integer


Product Lines

API Field Name Description
lineid REQUIRED. Set to 0 to add a new product line, otherwise set to the lineid to amend (as returned by the record retrieval method)
productid REQUIRED: Must be a valid, non-deleted OpenCRM product
linenumber Controls ordering of the product lines
description If not set, will default to that of the product
category The line category (for sub-totalling). Must be a valid category as available in the web application
quantity If not set, will default to 1. Must be a numeric value - up to 1 decimal place is supported. 
listprice1 Sell price in the default currency
listprice2 Sell price in secondary currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. 
listprice3 Sell price in third currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. 
listprice4 Sell price in fourth currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. 
listprice5 Sell price in fifth currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. 
buyprice Buy price in default currency
buyprice2 Buy price in secondary currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. 
buyprice3 Buy price in third currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. 
buyprice4 Buy price in fourth currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. 
buyprice5 Buy price in fifth currency. If supplementary currency values are not passed in, they will be set to 0 - They will not calculate based on the base currency. 
taxclass Tax class to apply to the row. Must be a valid tax class available in the web app. This will determine the tax percentage to apply. If not passed in on new records, will default to product value
prd_cf_1(..10) Custom product grid columns 1..10. Note that multi-currency custom product grid fields are not currently supported. 
discount Must be numeric value or percentage e.g. "10" or "10%"
supplierid ID of supplier company,. Must be a valid , non-deleted OpenCRM Company record id.
supplytype Product supply type. Must match a valid product supply type. If not passed in on new row, will default to product value
contract_term Must be integer value
commission_band The commission band to apply. Will determine commission percentage. If not set on new rows, will default to product value. 
minimummargin, maximumdiscount,  Can't be set from API - They will default to the values held on the product record
taxpercent, taxvalue, margin_percent, markup, commission_percent, commmission_amount,  Can't be set from API - They will be set/calculated by the system based on the other values passed in
pricebookid, saved_pricing_used, saved_pricing_tier, despatched_quantity, remaining_quantity Can't be set from the API - They will retain their existing values when editing existing rows. 


Custom Fields

Custom fields can be set using the custom field name as shown in custom field settings. E.g. "cf_123".


Assigned To

The assigned to value should be set to a valid user ID, and NOT the username. You can get the user ID by looking at any user record in OpenCRM - the ID is shown in brackets in the consult mode of the user record. 

If you do not assign a user to a record, it may not be visible to users due to team security restrictions. 



Value Description
0 Default module permission.
1 Public: Read, Create/Edit
11 Public: Read Only
2 Public: Read, Create/Edit, Delete
3 Private
4 Private ( + Team: Read Only)
5 Private ( + Team: Read, Create/Edit)
6 Private ( + Team: Read, Create/Edit/Delete)
7 Public: Read (+ Admin Edit/Delete)
8 Global: Read Only
9 Global: Read, Create/Edit
10 Global: Read, Create/Edit/Delete
12 Global: Read Only ( + Team: Create/Edit)
13 Global: Read Only ( + Team: Create/Edit/Delete)



The currency is set using the 3 character currency code. Please contact for assistance if your need to set a currency which is not listed. 

Please note the currencies in your system may differ - the three most common ones are shown below. 

Value Description
GBP British pounds (Sterling)
EUR Euros
USD US Dollar

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