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Allocate Assets to Sales Orders as part of Despatch process

Updated: 04 December 2024 13:36:05 OpenCRM::Orders::Sales Orders

(Note: appended to

Assets can be despatched with Sales Orders as part of the despatch process. 

When dispatching goods, if the item has a Serial Number (S/N), the system can prompt the user during the partial dispatch process to select the S/N(s) for the item to despatch from a list of linked Assets. The Asset despatched will automatically link to the contact/company for the Sales Order (SO). The Despatch Note can display the S/Ns dispatched

There is a Product level field to indicate if a product requires a Serial Number/Asset to exist when it is despatched. This field can be enabled in the same way as any other standard field - it is OFF by default. In addition, there is a field on Assets called "Allocated Status". This will also need to be enabled.

The system will produce a warning if there are insufficient available assets for the quantity being dispatched.

On despatch, the user is presented with a list of products requiring asset selection. The user selects the asset to despatch. 

Assets despatched with a sales order will have a status field updated to say they have been allocated and the asset is linked to the SO, Contact, and Company upon despatch.

The despatch note PDF can include a Serial Number column to show a list of Serial Numbers of the dispatched assets.

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