Enabling the Social Media fields on Leads, Contacts and CompaniesThere are specific blocks with pre configured fields to allow you to hold Social Network links for the most common Social Networks. To enable the blocks you should follow these steps;
Note : The option under the Company section, to enable the block, looks like this.... There are also options under Contacts and Leads so you are able to control visibility of these fields individually. Within OpenCRM there is a Social Media Network block that allows you to add a username for the most commonly used channels giving you a one click access to keep up to speed with what your contacts are doing. Using the Social Media BlockThe services that we currently support are ;
To set up the links all you need to do is add the username for the person or company you wish to follow. You can also go to the profile/activity page for the person and copy and paste the complete URL - OpenCRM will strip out the elements of the URL that are not required as you move off the field.
Finding the Username for a Contact or Company's Social Media Profile
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