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There are boxes on Quotes, Sales Orders and Invoices that allow me to enter a Description or Terms, can these contain standard text?

Updated: 23 May 2022 06:17:53 OpenCRM::Quotes OpenCRM::Orders::Sales Orders OpenCRM::Orders::Purchase Orders OpenCRM::Invoice

Yes, there is a series of fields in the SETTINGS admin console that allow you to enter the text that will appear, by default, on each of these entities. Follow these steps to add your text;

  • go to SETTINGS
  • Select the Additional Settings link
  • Locate the Default Text Settings section

You will see that there are fields for ALL three entities, Quotes, Sales Orders and Invoices, and there is a field for each of the two text boxes, Description and Terms.

Whatever you enter into this section will be automatically added to new Quotes, Sales Orders and Invoices (this text will not be added to existing records).

Add the text you require and then SAVE and Exit. Check that the text appears by creating a new record, the text is added to the relevant box.

Note : Please remember that this information will be printed onto the PDF output which is included when you Email PDF from the entity.

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