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What are email merge variables and how can I use them? Do these work with HTML Documents as well? Can I add merge variables to email subject lines?

Rated 5.00 starRated 5.00 starRated 5.00 starRated 5.00 starRated 5.00 star Updated: 18 May 2022 12:53:46 OpenCRM::Emails


Email merge variables are the tags you can see in the default email templates in your system. For example:

Dear $contacts_firstname$leads_firstname - this shows two merge variables "$contacts_firstname" and "$leads_firstname".

What they do is look up the corresponding values in your OpenCRM system and paste them into the email. So if you are on a Lead record or a Contact record for Frank Smith and use the above merge variables, an email you send to that person will display "Dear Frank". 

You can use these merge variables in each of the modules in OpenCRM where you have the email button. This allows you do perform actions like sending a Company or Contact information about a specific Sales Order, or Invoice for example. Merge variables are also useful in setting up Helpdesk ticket response templates. You can also use the listed merge variables in the Email Subject line, as well as in HTML documents.

If any merge variable is not found, then it will be replaced with a blank. So for example, if you are in the Companies module, when using the example above "Dear $contacts_firstname$leads_firstname", this will output "Dear (blankspace)" as there is no corresponding value.

Using Merge Variables to set up a Default Email Signature

You can use email merge variables to set up an email signature which can be used by all of your system users. Merge variables are able to look up any of the fields on the User screen, such as first & last name, job title, work email address, mobile phone number and so on.

To give you an example, if you have a Project Manager named Anna Jones, using the following merge variables on a signature:

$users_first_name $users_last_name

will display on a sent email as:

Anna Jones
Project Manager


Using Merge Variables for Custom Fields

Custom fields can be added to email templates, but do not follow the standard tag formatting of standard fields.

In order to add a custom field to an email template, you must first find the database ID of the custom field. This can be done as follows:

  • Under "Settings" go to Studio->Custom Field Settings->Module of choice Customs
  • You should see a column called Database Name
  • The value "cf_XXX" is the database ID of the custom field (in the screenshot below this is cf_421).

You can then insert your custom field into your template using the following format:

  • $module_cf_XXX 

If you wanted to insert the field from the above image, you know that the field ID is "cf_421" and that it is in the Leads module (for example). So to use this field in an email the corresponding merge variable would be "$leads_cf_421"

Using Merge Variables for Helpdesk and other Related Entities e.g. Sales Documents, Projects etc. Or using Merge Variables when sending a Notification.

You may want to send emails from an entity such as a Helpdesk ticket or a Sales Order, Invoice, Opportunity etc. to a customer, whether this is a Contact or Company. When you use the Email button from such a module this allows you to send an email to the Contact or Company linked to the record. In order to send details contained within the related module (for example sending a Contact information about a Helpdesk ticket) you can use related merge variables. 

An example would be if you send a contact an email regarding a Helpdesk ticket that has been solved, your email template could contain the following type of merge variables:

Dear $contacts_firstname

Your ticket has been resolved with the following comments:


This would then send a personalised email to the Contact, containing the relevant information you wish to send about the Helpdesk ticket, as looked up on from the Helpdesk Solution field.

Date Fields

Date fields will be written out in the format designated on the sending user record. You can override this to show the "long" date format (13-08-2020 becomes 13 August 2020) by adding "_long" to the end of the merge variable.

ex. $rel_activities_date_start -> $rel_activities_date_start_long


Adding the Dollar Currency Symbol

If you need to add the $ Dollar currency symbol to an email or PDf, you will need to insure that the symbol is surrounded by an individual span (within the HTML), like so:


This will prevent the system from trying to use the symbol to insert any merged informaiton from the record.



The merge variables used are generally fairly similar to the field labels used e.g. $leads_website will look up the Website field on the Leads module. However there are not many variables that are an exact match for the field label used and occasionally there is considerable variance, and for this reason we recommend that you use the attached list of merge variables as a guide.

A List of Merge Variables

The attached document gives a list of all the standard fields that can be merged that are available at the time of writing.

If you need any assistance or would like to explore additional fields and their variables, please drop us an email and we will gladly help.

Contact us by clicking here - SUPPORT

Basic Merge Variables

The following merge variables are the ones that you will use when you are writing emails that concern your Leads, Contacts, and Companies.


$contacts_tps (use for "Do Not Phone)
$contacts_fps (use for Do Not Fax)
$contacts_accountname (merges Contacts primary linked company name)


Contact's Company
This list shows the fields from a Contact’s related main Company that can be used for the Contacts module

$contacts_company_name / $contacts_company_accountname

Related Entities (The record you send the email from)

If you are sending an email from an entity such as a Project, sales document etc. you will be sending an email to a Contact or Company, and including information related to the Project or Sales Order etc from which you are sending.

Or if you are sending a notification from a record, you are technically sending an email to a user about a Contact, Lead, Company, Opportunity, etc. 

In these cases you need to use the following Related merge variables:;

Related Leads Merge Variables

Related Potential Merge Variables


Related Contacts Merge Variables

Related Companies Merge Variables

Helpdesk Merge Variables – for emailing details of a Helpdesk ticket to a Contact

Activities Merge Variables

Linked Documents Merge Variables

Related Quotes Merge Variables

Related Sales Orders Merge Variables

Related Invoices Merge Variables

Linked Purchase Orders Merge Variables

Linked Products Merge Variables

Linked Projects Merge Variables
$rel_projects_parent_id (related to id)
$rel_projects_parent_name (related to name)

Linked Contract Merge Variables (ver3.8)
$rel_contracts_contractid = Contract ID
$rel_contracts_name = Title
$rel_contracts_contractstatus = The contracts status
$rel_contracts_contracttype = the type of contract
$rel_contracts_startdate = The start date of the contract
$rel_contracts_targetend = The target end date of the contract
$rel_contracts_enddate = The actual end date of the contract
$rel_contracts_contractpriority = The priority level
$rel_contracts_active = The active status of the contract
$rel_contracts_budget = Budget level
$rel_contracts_time_m = Active time
$rel_contracts_time_taken_m = Time taken
$rel_contracts_time_left_m = Time left on the contract
$rel_contracts_cost_net = Net Cost
$rel_contracts_cost_gross = Gross Cost
$rel_contracts_showonportal = Is it shown on the portal 
$rel_contracts_showdocsonportal = Show Docs on portal
$rel_contracts_nc_time_m = ?
$rel_contracts_shed_time_m = Scheduled time
$rel_contracts_comp_time_m = Completion time
$rel_contracts_over_time_m = Overrun time
$rel_contracts_parent_id = Parent ID
$rel_contracts_private = Privacy
$rel_contracts_time_start = Time Started
$rel_contracts_time_end = Time Ended
$rel_contracts_time_target = Target Time
$rel_contracts_warnings = Warnings
$rel_contracts_contractnum = Contract Number
$rel_contracts_contactid = Contact ID
$rel_contracts_partnerid = Partner ID
$rel_contracts_accountid = Account ID
$rel_contracts_installerid = Installer ID
$rel_contracts_salesorderid = Sales Order ID
$rel_contracts_sla_responsehrs = SLA Response (HRS)
$rel_contracts_actionplan_id = Action Plan Chosen
$rel_contracts_contracts_tags = Tags applied to the contract

Linked Campaign Merge Variables

User Merge Variables

The following are all merge variables that you might want to use to set up email signatures or to refer to one of your employees who will be the best person to contact in specific situations.

Current Logged in User

Assigned User (of the Email)

Assigned User for the Record

So if you wanted to email a Contact, but use the signature for the person who is assigned to that Contact, the merge variable would be:


Assigned User for Record of Related Module

If you wanted to email a the Contact or Company linked to a Project and include the first name of the Project's assigned user, the merge variable would be: 


Default Company Details:

The following merge variables are needed to add the details held in the “My Company” Settings area.

Sending Email To a User

Event Merge Variables

If you need to send an email to a list of Contacts from an Event, you might want to use some of these variables

Merging Day Information to Emails

Email merging of day information is done in the same manner as other e-mail merging. In order to get the day information to process, the day information needs to be contained between "$start_day_rows" and "$end_day_rows" tags. This will let the system know that it needs to get the day information for the event, and repeat the layout between those tags for each day of the event.

Event day merging required the e-mail to be initiated from the event screen which is to have the details merged.

Event Merge Fields for Emails

Day Merge Fields for Emails

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