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How do I display linked records when working with Activities? What do the Icons mean?

Updated: 31 May 2022 16:47:11 OpenCRM::Activities

When you Create or Edit an Activity you can view information from the Linked Records (Leads, Companies, Contacts, Projects, Sales Orders etc....)

To do this you would select one of the icons that are displayed to the right of the Linked Record Field.

A description of the icons is shown below

Search - this Icon opens the relevant Search Window to allow you to make a link
Delete/ Clear - this Icon deletes whatever is currently linked in this field
Edit - this Icon opens a separate window with the linked record in EDIT mode, allowing you to make changes and save without leaving the ACTIVITY
View - this Icon opens a separate window displaying the linked record in VIEW mode (non edit)
Call - this Icon appears when you have on screen dialling configured and when clicked will dial the primary telephone number of the linked record
Authorised Contacts - this Icon is displayed when this Contact has been set as authorised*. When you click on it, it will display all Authorised Contacts linked to that Company.
Unauthorised Contacts - this Icon is displayed when this Contact has NOT been set as authorised*. When you click on it, it will display all Authorised Contacts linked to that Company.


* You will need to enable this by going to Additional Settings and searching for "Use Authorised Contacts". This FAQ has more information.

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