You can directly chat with the team here at OpenCRM. If you look 'bottom right' you will see the Live Chat icon: and when you click it, you'll be able to start a new chat: Context Relevant Help (i.e. "popups")In certain places within the system, mostly in the settings area, we have added "context relevant help". These are popups on the right of your screen that offer advice, link to helpful videos, and often link you directly to an FAQ that has information about the page you are currently viewing. In this case, I have navigated to the Default Layouts page and been shown a popup linking me to the FAQ all about Layouts. Popups everywhere!We are aware that when you visit a page with one of these popups, if you have any other tabs open in OpenCRM, this popup may appear on those pages as well. The good news is that you can simple refresh the page (or save, apply, etc) and the popup will disappear. You may also be interested in: