HopeWalk 2016 – Well Done Everyone!
4 Oct 2016
This past Saturday, we helped to organise a local HopeWalk in support of the charity Papyrus. The goal was to raise money to help in their efforts to prevent youth suicide and also to raise awareness of the growing epidemic of suicide in this country.
Suicide is now a leading cause of death for young people and Papyrus is doing everything they can to shatter the stigma and get people talking—without this, young people simply will not be able to get the help they need.
Our HopeWalk was a total of 12 miles, with people walking all or part of the distance. It was a great day out and people had loads of fun. We also raised more than £750 for Papyrus!
Well done everyone!!

The great thing about doing this walk was that we were able to speak to a lot of people in our community. Little conversations like this are the best way to raise awareness of the fact that a lot of young people feel that suicide is their only option. It’s not.
By raising awareness and getting people talking, we can break the taboo of suicide and save lives.
If you’re interested in doing a HopeWalk, why not check out Papyrus’ website and see if there is one happening in your area?
Although I originally hail from northern California, as soon as I arrived in Yorkshire I knew it was the place for me! At OpenCRM, I started out in the Business Development team, and then moved into compliance and Q&A because I love telling people what to do…ok, that’s not the real reason, but it makes for a good bio one-liner. When I’m not in the office, you can usually find me tramping through the dales, crafting, gardening, or with my nose in a book.