It’s Time to #Try20

9 May 2016 OpenCRM Try 20

This month is National Walking Month and, although we’ve got an office full of fairly active people, we spend a good deal of our time during week sat behind our computer screens. That’s why quite a few of us have taken up Living Streets’ #Try20 challenge—it’s easy, all you have to do is make an effort to walk for 20 minutes every day in the month of May.

Starting out last week, we had a lot of people walking up to the shop as an easy way to fit in those 20 minutes and I have to admit to having a quick stroll around the business park during lunch just to tick that box (and get the chance to have a bit of time to think through some particularly puzzling projects).

After a few days, though, treading this same route got a little old, so we decided to try something a bit more entertaining. Once again inspired by Living Streets, we starting having little competitions…

Nature Shot

We had people getting up close and personal with nature…

Yorkshire Dales - Silicon Dales

while others prefered a longer shot of the landscape.

Manchester - Stephenson Square

Our city-dwellers went for more of an urban jungle motif.

Danny and Billy lost the pub

And we think Danny and Billy just got lost looking for the pub.

With these mini-activities and competitions, everyone who participated was able to easily get those 20 minutes of walking…or more for the folks who took up some extra challenges, including walking to/from home every day.

And more importantly than just achieving our #Try20 goals, we got out from behind our screens for a few minutes here and there, getting our legs working again and our eyes re-adjusted to natural light.

Some fresh air and sunlight can do wonders for your mood, I personally think we’ve been a much happier office since we started the #Try20 challenge.