SageLink, a Bridge Over Troubled Water?
22 Nov 2013

Taking this world and the things in it for granted, is something humans do best (until they watch a Dr. Brain Cox program and realise that even the Earths existence is a beautiful miracle that only he can explain!).
Bridges are such awesome pieces of engineering which help us to get from a to b with ease and we use them probably everyday. I often have silly thoughts about how people in the stoneage crossed the Tyne or Thames, by swimming? I wouldn’t fancy that on cold winters day!
Anyway, the reason I’m going on about bridges is that we have recently been working to advance a handy tool called SageLink for OpenCRM which acts as a solid bridge between OpenCRM and Sage Accounts. Our software has been able to integrate with Sage Accounts for a good while now, but things couldn’t be more accessible and visible. Not only can you sync customer and product information to and from Sage Accounts to OpenCRM and see the outstanding balances of invoices, you can now also access a lot of other useful information through the new and improved ‘Sage tab’, like payment activities and credit control limits.
Accessing accounts information at your fingertips can be a real benefit whilst juggling other tasks, and this feature just makes things that little bit easier. Also, as OpenCRM is a cloud based tool, you can use it to access a snapshot of your Sage Data on the move.
For more information about how you can get access to this bridge over your accounting troubled water, please contact OpenCRM or your Account Manager directly.