Version 3.9.7 Released
10 Nov 2017
Our newest version of OpenCRM will be released today, with our customers being upgraded to it starting later this week.
Although this is a minor release, there are some exciting new features and enhancements that will make OpenCRM that much more valuable to its users.
You can read about all of the features and enhancements available in Version 3.9.7 in our full release notes, which are available to all customers via our portal, but there are a couple we wanted to share right away.
New Duplicate Checking Customisation Options
This new version will give you the ability to set specific words to be ignored by your duplicate checking rules. So let’s say you deal with a lot of limited companies, or maybe a lot of companies with the word “haulage” or “scientific” in their name. You could set up your duplicate check rules to ignore “ltd”, “haulage”, and “scientific.”
This would mean that “Smith and Son Haulage” and “Smith and Son” would be picked up as potential duplicates in your system. Similarly, “GJC Pickling” and “GJC Pickling Ltd” would be highlighted instead of ignored.
The cleaner the data is in your system, the better chance you have of using that data effectively. And these duplicate checking customisation options will help you keep your data neat and tidy.
Extensions to our Sales Commissions
Although you’ve always been able to calculate sales commissions within OpenCRM, this extended functionality gives you the power to set up new commission bands and apply these directly to your Products.
Any sales person will tell you that some products are easier to sell than others, this functionality allows you to place higher commissions on those products that are a tougher sale.
Expanded Filtering in Reports and Custom Views
I know what you’re thinking: sounds like thrilling stuff! No? Well, you’re sorely mistaken.
These new filters, which allow you to set a specific number of days before, after, more, or less than a particular date. So for example, you might want to see all Leads created in the last 47 days. Or all the Sales Orders with a Due Date that is more than 62 days ago.
Pretty exciting, right?