TT – Using the Opportunity Product Grid

As the first part of your sales cycle, you want your Opportunities to fit your process.

For some people, that means being able to add the products your prospects want directly into that record. And of course, they are carried through to your Quotes, Sales Orders, and Invoices with the click of a button–no need to retype anything!

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Video Transcript:

Hi for today’s video I’m going to show you how you can enable the product grid for the opportunities module

The product grid is already visible on quotes orders and invoices and is where

You can enter products and details such as buy and sell price margin discount and so on

It is Switched Off by default on opportunities

To enable it head over to settings and additional settings and then under the opportunity settings tick the option to turn on product grids

You also have the option to update the opportunity amount fields from the product total if this is enabled

With these settings turned on you will now see that the product grid is visible on any opportunity that you create or edit

As we can also see the total amount of any products populates the opportunity amount

Thank you for watching


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