Why Repeat Yourself?

17 Apr 2016

Billy created an Opportunity

Billy created an Opportunity


Billy created a Quote



Billy created a Sales Order

Billy created a Sales Order


Billy created an Invoice

Billy created an Invoice


Billy had an idea…

Billy had and idea

Most people don’t like repeats, I give you Top Gear on Dave and Home Alone at Christmas, I thank you.

This is the same in our work places, nobody likes repeating their work over and over when it is just not necessary.

This is where OpenCRM comes into its own. By intelligently pulling information through from one record to another (you can even do this yourself with your custom fields), OpenCRM can save you little bits of time throughout your day. And these little bits all add up!

The example I’ll use is going from an Opportunity to a Quotation, Quotation to a Sales Order and Sales Order to an Invoice.

We put in the information at the Opportunity stage and you can progress all the way through to the Invoice stage, with no repeating yourself – unless you want to amend it of course – simply click on the next stage and all the information is pulled through automatically, et voila.

Quote to Sales Order

Quote to Sales Order

Sales Order to Invoice

Sales Order to Invoice


This can be the same with Calls, Meetings, Tasks, Notes and even HelpDesk tickets. Once you have put the information in; it is there to stay and all your Follow Up Activities from your original Activity will have the information in there.

Recurring Activity

Recurring activity image


So in summery (because it’s nearly Summer) why make more work for ourselves when we can do less, achieve the same result and have more time on our hands. When you put it like that, what would you prefer to do?



The End