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How can I print address labels from data stored in OpenCRM

Updated: 31 May 2022 15:04:46 OpenCRM::Leads OpenCRM::Contacts OpenCRM::Companies OpenCRM::Data Import-Export

A good starting point is to define a list of people you want to generate labels for. The best way of doing this is by creating a Custom View, where you've entered the recipient criteria, and also set the relevant address columns to display in the view:

From here, you can use the Export Displayed Contacts (or Leads, Companies etc.) link at the bottom of the grid of records. Please note that the ability to export data will be subject to the relevant permissions being applied to your profile.

On the next pop-up, we recommend that you select the option to Export Only Displayed Columns rather than exporting the entire Contact record.

This will product a file that can be opened in Excel or equivalent.

From here onward, you can use the Mail Merge & label creation tools available. These will vary depending on the software you use. The accompanying video illustrates the steps you should take when using Word and Excel to output your labels.

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