OpenCRM does not have an option for you to search for records, based on Postcode location, within a specific radius using features within OpenCRM alone, however with the use of a 3rd party website you can easily cater for this requirement. The process overview is as follows; 1. Open up 3rd party web site and enter search criteria (postcode and radius/drive time). 2. Copy or download the postcode list provided 3. Paste this list into a Custom View within the module that you wish to find matches. FREE 3rd Party postcode radius sites Here is a Step by Step walkthrough using Selectabase' site searching against Leads in OpenCRM, the process is the same for Companies or Contacts. Go to and enter your postcode and radius - in our example we are looking for Leads within a 10 mile radius of our UK office. Copy the results from the results area. Note : With other third party tools you have the option to download the results, you would open the downloaded file and Copy the results from here. Next, create a VIEW in OpenCRM - if you need assistance with creating a view take a look here : Views FAQ We are going to Paste the Postcodes into the Postal Code VALUE field, see below; Remember to select the OPERATOR 'contains'. Note : If you do not need to retain these searches, if they are transient, you could use the same VIEW temporarily each time you need to search - label it something obvious such as 'Postcode Radius Check'. This will return a list of Leads (or other records) that meet this criteria.
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